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Family at a Beach

Got a tough parenting assignment?
Have you become a yeller?
I've got you.

Tough parenting assignments take many forms including neurodivergence and difficult temperament. These children need exquisite parenting.
Are you prepared?

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"My kid is strong-willed"

FREE CLASS to gently crack the code of your Strong-Willed Child.

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"I'm easily triggered"

5-MINUTE CALM KIT to help you learn to get calm and stay calm.

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"My kid gives up easily"

FREE DOWNLOAD to help your child face challenges.

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Father and Children


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Hi, I'm Laine.
I help overwhelmed parents create happy families – even if they weren't raised in one.

Parenting is hard for everyone, but it's extra-hard if you have a child who isn't "easy," you had a tough childhood yourself ... or both. If the books and blogs aren't enough, if you're worried about your family's happiness and connection, then I can probably help you.


I’m a certified parenting educator with degrees in teaching and education from Brown University, plus a boatload of other credentials. I've been an elite athlete and a collegiate coach (Ultimate Frisbee). I've done many things to be successful in life, but most of those things didn't make me feel successful as a mom.


Before I became a mom, I had worked for 10 years with difficult kids. Although I had tools to manage my kids, I was often triggered and unhappy – and I knew I wanted to be calmer and happier. So I got to work.


I found the best science-based practices to be calmer and happier from the inside out. I combined those with the tools I already had and created a new parenting approach, treating it like a sport or any other skill-based endeavor.


And when I started teaching my techniques to other parents, I quickly saw their wins. My clients have transformed their families, brought laughter back to their homes, and confidently raise their kids to be successful, kind, and happy.
And 'm talking about parents whose kids aren't "easy" - most of them raised in dysfunctional families themselves!


Listen, I know you love your kids. You wouldn't be here otherwise! But you're also struggling and suffering more than necessary. Please don't go on this way.


I'm here for you ... I get it. I know you want to give your kids a happy family especially if you weren't raised in one yourself ... you want to feel confident in your parenting choices ... you want to feel proud of yourself and your kids every day ... you want to have healthy bonds with them ... and you want them to be kind, respectful, and confident along the way. I get it, I really do.


Let me help you get un-stuck and build your happy family starting today.


Interested but not yet sure? I invite you to learn more about me.



Join a tribe of parents just like you, in my private Facebook Group where I offer free support and community. I'll also give you tips, hacks, and motivation to rock your parenting.

You're NOT bad and it's NOT too late.

If you feel maxed-out, triggered beyond, or doubtful about your parenting ... there's nothing wrong with you. You just need a new path with expert guidance and a supportive tribe to love you along the way. It all starts with a decision to say YES to having a happy family. Once you make this choice, what seems impossible now will begin to take shape immediately. Don't take my word for it – see what my clients have to say.

Emmett, LLC 

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